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It has been quite a year.

We had the refresh of our office (re-branding seems too cliched and technical) and development of our new website. We got our new computer operating system up and working. And we found time to add some Christmas decorations to the office.

We moved into our premises at the same time we undertook the partnership. At that time - 1991 - Gastown was struggling. read more >

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A couple things happened this month.

One was everyone in the office getting onto a bus and going to visit the new Vancouver Hospice, which we designed. It is on Granville Street in Shaughnessey and is intended to provide read more >

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I just returned from visiting a friend

We bought crab and prawns off the boat and cooked up a feast bigger than the number of us who were eating it. It was overcast for much of the weekend - it actually imparted read more >

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We just had our office open house.

There was great attendance at the event and it was great to see everyone. This month marks the 21st anniversary of the formation of Rositch Hemphill Architects - we read more >