t 604 669 6002
f 604 669 1091


Keith & Bryce

The firms principals are leaders in the architectural community

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The Team


While the firm’s focus is on designing successful projects and ...

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“RHA is an extremely professional group of committed and talented people who have proven over many years to be highly effective problem solvers that never lose their enthusiasm for good design and creativity. ”

Jimmy Ko, Principal & CEO, Magusta Development Group


Drawing from Experience

RHA has an irreplaceable depth of knowledge earned through years of hard work.

The firm has been rated as one of Vancouver’s “Top Architectural Firms” many times since 1990. The two partners manage a stable team of approximately 20 members, including 5 associates and a business manager. In more than two decades...

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The RHA Process

RHA is committed to creating healthy communities.

We have been fortunate to have been involved in the design of projects in a wide range of jurisdictions. The RHA team, at the core, has a passion for designing ...

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The Boulders